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Starting in the mailing industry with a small hand sort operation in 1989, my career has spanned a variety of areas in the mailing industry. The majority of that time has primarily been in the commingling arena.
Over the last 34 years, I've experienced many postal changes. It has been my experience that not all mailers are created equal. Each has its own niche' and each has its own way of doing things. One thing I am certain of is that each of these mailers must keep up with the industry both from a technology and an employee growth perspective to remain relevant.
Like many, I worked on my own growth over the years. Evolving my management style and methods every day. In that growth, I've adapted 2 principles that I think are important no matter what industry you are in.
Applied Customer Service - Everybody is a customer of everybody else; internally or externally. Treat each other as such.
Perception is Reality - I strongly believe all perceived opinions have some validity, true or not and all of us are perceived in a negative way by somebody else. We ourselves must be humble with those perceptions; accept them, so we can change them.
Since 2007, I've been a leader in 2 of the largest and fastest growing commingling operations in the country. Each small in their own right in the beginning of my tenure yet each quickly growing into leaders in the commingling community. Through innovation and creativity, I've been a key contributor to the success of both of those organizations. Today, I still hold the role as VP of Information Systems at the largest independently owned commingler in the country...United Business Mail (UBM). Over the years with UBM, I've developed many efficient sorting processes. I built from the ground up a client portal that is second to none. And finally, I developed a USPS approved sorting process that allows a commingler to sort mail into Carrier Route trays. Something that was considered unachievable by the industry. I look forward to the next technological challenge!